Linda Walters was referred to us through trusted business acquaintances and as first time home sellers, we initially had little understanding of the process.

Linda provided a calming presence, taking the time to explain not just what our own needs were, but also those of potential buyers, all in order to ensure the best outcome was achieved.

Having provided a very accurate appraisal, Linda’s marketing strategy took advantage of a strong buyer market, targeting social media, rather than falling into line with the status quo (rely heavily on the big ‘for sale’ web sites).

Being involved in the decision making process ensured we had an appropriate level of understanding in the overall strategy, which resulted in significant savings.

Linda also explain the legal process and as a result we were able to complete the sale without the need to engage solicitors which again was resourceful and further reduced costs.

I would recommend Linda to anyone who’s looking to engage a conscientious, efficient and caring realtor.